City on the Water
City on the Water
- 1975
- 16 mins
- 16 mins
City on the Water - A fascinating document made in 1975 by the architect Charles Correa on the planning of the city of New Bombay to manage the escalating population in an over-crowded Bombay. Using maps and other data, the film looks at solutions developed by urban planner for the provision of less congested living options for the constantly moving work force of the city.
City Planning
Navi Mumbai
New Bombay
City on the Water - A fascinating document made in 1975 by the architect Charles Correa on the planning of the city of New Bombay to manage the escalating population in an over-crowded Bombay. Using maps and other data, the film looks at solutions developed by urban planner for the provision of less congested living options for the constantly moving work force of the city.
City Planning
Navi Mumbai
New Bombay